Europe getting Dead Rising 2 Zombrex edition
It seems the Zombrex version isn’t quite as exclusive to North America as previously thought. Capcom has deemed fit to release Dead Rising 2‘s Zombrex version in Europe too.
It seems the Zombrex version isn’t quite as exclusive to North America as previously thought. Capcom has deemed fit to release Dead Rising 2‘s Zombrex version in Europe too.
The EU Zombrex box seems a bit lighter on the content side though. It will come with a “Making of” DVD, a steelbook case, and a Zombrex syringe pen. Here it is in all its glory:
Aside from the Zombrex edition, Europe’s also getting an exclusive Outbreak version that includes a 12” zombie figurine, a download token for a bonus theme pack and additional console-specific content for the PS3 and 360 versions.