The smallest hand movements and gestures may be detected by the prospect Apple Watch group.

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Apple is investigating the possibility of adding electrodes to Apple Watch bands that could detect muscle movement and electrical activity minutely when a user makes any finger gesture. Apple Watch knows when you are just lazing about and should start a workout. In the future, Apple Watch could gather more precise information from electrodes on your Watch band to determine that you are shaking your fists and not doing any actual activity. According to a newly granted patent entitled “Electrodes For Gesture Recognition,” such detection is needed because other forms gesture control have issues. It says that a person’s physical movements, such as eye gazing, body movement, and the like, can be detected and tracked in real time as inputs into the computing system. Touch or proximity sensors on a touch-sensing panel can detect hand gestures. “However these sensors have a limited detection range,” the company continues, “and so the hand gestures need to be performed close to the panel.” Apple acknowledges that gestures can also be detected using one or more cameras, but claims that they have “line-of-sight limitations” and “require complicated hardware and image processing.” There are also handhelds such as “wands,” “controllers,” or “gloves,” but these “are not commonly worn or utilized, and therefore are less socially acceptable.” It’s great to see Apple address socially acceptable concerns. Apple Watch was released, and it was said that it would be more discreet to glance at the Watch rather than get out your phone. However, no one has managed to do this without being noticed. The new proposal would allow you to simply clench or extend your hand to trigger electrodes. The patent states that “[the] electrodes can detect electromyography signals, which are electrical activity resulting from muscle contraction.” In some cases, the electrodes are able to detect EMG signals produced by the activity of the flexors and extensors muscles and tendons of the user’s forearm and wrist. Apple Watch Accessibility already has a feature that allows you to stop alarms by clenching your hand. Double Tap is another feature that allows you to trigger actions by tapping your thumb and index fingers together. For example, answering a phone call. The Watch can detect finger movements more precisely with the sensor data from electrodes that are spread all around your wrist. You wouldn’t need to twist your wrist to “wrap it all up”, you could just flick your thumb. Apple’s patents are written to cover as many ideas as possible, without limiting themselves to a few examples. The patent’s almost 11,00 words are devoted to the process of making it work, not what can be done after an electrode senses a movement. Apple says that multiple rows of electrodes can be formed on the band of a wrist-worn device or watch to detect EMG signals. In some cases, the band may include removable electrical connections, such as pogo pins, to allow the electrode signals to reach the processing circuitry within the wrist-worn device’s housing. The patent continues: “The signals of one or more electrodes can serve as a reference electrode.” “And measurements can be taken between the signals of the active electrodes, and the one- or more reference electrodes, to capture EMG at a variety of locations on a band, [using] electrical activity that results in the contraction of muscles.” This patent is credited seven inventors. This includes Daniel A. Podhajny whose previous research for Apple included how to make a Star Trek style communicator.


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