EverQuest II test update 20B

Ryan “Blackguard” Shwayder has released a whole list of changes in the Test update number 20B. Everything from Quests and Combat, to Art and the User Interfaces is getting a change to some extent. There are tons of new changes, check em all out at the link below.


City Guards

– Many guards in Qeynos and Freeport have undergone training to better defend the area they are assigned to.
– Guards of opposing alignments will now attack each other.
– Guards can now potentially give experience or treasure if they are defeated.
– Guards no longer give directions while in combat with you.

Ryan “Blackguard” Shwayder has released a whole list of changes in the Test update number 20B. Everything from Quests and Combat, to Art and the User Interfaces is getting a change to some extent. There are tons of new changes, check em out!

City Guards

– Many guards in Qeynos and Freeport have undergone training to better defend the area they are assigned to.
– Guards of opposing alignments will now attack each other.
– Guards can now potentially give experience or treasure if they are defeated.
– Guards no longer give directions while in combat with you.

Desert of Flames

– You’ll now have a greater chance to find pages for the books “The Poems of Alyarrah” and “Of Maj’Dul Am I.”
– “Wrapping it All” Up can now be completed a maximum of 30 minutes after the Godking has been killed.
– Shoulder Pads of the Dark Disciple have a more brawlerly look.


– Many of the older quests in the Qeynos Villages and Freeport Districts have had slight requirement changes to better streamline them with the new character progression changes.
– Corrupted dryads and skittering scavengers will now update the “Outlying Qeynos, Creature Catalog” quest.


– Imbued rings have had their stats modified to be more focused toward the imbued stat. Pristine Imbued rings of both common and rare varieties now carry the greatest benefit with decreasing benefit in the lower quality rings. The trigger percentage for the effects the imbue grants has been increased for all imbued rings.
– “Blissful Awareness” (Quest reward from “High Shaman of the Rockpaw” in The Qeynos Caves) has been retired this fashion season.

Zones and Population

– Many more beings throughout Norrath recognize their own sentience.


– Spell and combat art casts will not fail after the initial cast due to being too far away as long as the target stays within 2x the spell’s range. It actually really works this time. For real.
– Heroic Opportunities completed by a stealth art will no longer cause your stealth be stuck in an unusable state.
– Triggered spell effects will now only trigger as many times as they are supposed to, even if the trigger action happens multiple times at once.
– NPC racial abilities that placed reactive taunts on players will no longer taunt other enemies that strike that player.
– Procs will only occur on the first successful attack of a single combat art, not each attack. For example, if a single combat art strikes 5 times, the proc will only have a chance to trigger once during that art rather than 5 times.

Brigand changes:
– Amazing Reflexes no longer increases hate and allows a brief movement speed bonus after it breaks.
– Ruse now triggers only on melee damage and does not have a power cost when it triggers.

Illusionist changes:
– Personae requires a 10 second casting time as with other permanent pet summons.

Monk changes:
– Silent Palm has a shorter duration but does not break when taking damage.

Paladin changes:
– The Power Cleave line no longer requires a two handed weapon.

Ranger changes:
– Shadow will now allow the Ranger to perform stealth-based attacks.

Shadowknight changes:
– The Cleave Flesh line no longer requires a two handed weapon and had its wisdom debuff increased.

Warlock changes:
– Netherous Realm’s debuff effect will no longer cause triggered effects other than its own.


– New writs and society tasks have been added for high level artisans!
– 100 Aerated Mineral Waters can now be stacked with each other.
– Base level 50 Provisioner-made beer can be used as a Homemade Beer component.
– Various recipes for level 19 and below spells and arts have been added or moved to the appropriate level.
– The recipes for “Speechless” have been moved from level 28 Scholar books to level 30.
– “Prismatic Pulse” has been moved from level 27 Sage books to level 29.
– “Icy Coil” has been moved from level 29 Sage books to level 27.
– “Amplification” has been moved from level 24 Sage books to level 21.
– “Flametongue” has been moved from level 26 Sage books to level 25.
– “Dazzling Seal” has been moved from level 25 Sage books to level 26.


– The waypoint wisp has an all-new look!
– The colors for the pink, green, purple, red, and yellow saddled Armored horses have been adjusted.

User Interface

– When you get a tooltip for an item that your class can use, you will also see the tooltip for any items you currently have equipped that the item could replace. These tooltips appear on items in any location except for hotkey bars and the equipped icons around the paper doll.
– If “target_allow_pet_member_toggle 0” is defined in your eq2.ini, F2-F6 will not switch targets to the group member’s pet if the player was already targeted. And it will not switch targets to the group member on +(F2-F6) if the pet was already targeted.
– If “target_allow_pet_self_toggle 0” is defined in your eq2.ini, F1 will not switch targets to your pet if your character was already targeted. And it will not switch targets to your character on +(F1) if your pet was already targeted.
– The target window will no longer resize and send the epic flag off the bottom of the window.
– The client will now remember if it was maximized in windowed mode and, when the game is restarted, will restore to its maximized state.
– The guild window will now sort by adventure class names correctly.
– The quest helper can no longer be resized so small that the scrollbars fail to display properly
– The quest journal will now have a tooltip for rewards.
– The tradeskill UI will now update its component counts if your inventory changes.
– An option has been added to override icon tinting when spell requirements (e.g. not stealthed) are not met. Look in Options -> UI -> Spell Icons to turn the spell requirements off.
– Your success or failure at tradeskilling is now recorded in your chat window.

UI Files Updated


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