A comparison of Wii and PSP screens: Alien Syndrome
This is a bit off topic guys (you have been forewarned). The guys over at SegaNerds raised an interesting comparison. How would the Wii‘s graphics stand against a PSP’s? Since they took a common game – Alien Syndrome – between the two platforms and put them side-by-side.
You can click the images above for a bigger view and critique the images in question. Can you spot the difference? According to the SegaNerds, “PSP‘s textures look cleaner and more crisp.” Alien Syndrome from Totally Games is set to hit the shelves in May this year and the game is still decidedly in the works. They conclude that “whatever way you slice it, it’s hard to argue that the games don’t look pretty similar, graphically speaking.”
Would you agree? Maybe the fact that there isn’t much difference between the two versions – aesthetically speaking or at least pre-release-wise – that called for this type of criticism for the Wii. Well, that remains to be seen in the long run.
This is a bit off topic guys (you have been forewarned). The guys over at SegaNerds raised an interesting comparison. How would the Wii‘s graphics stand against a PSP’s? Since they took a common game – Alien Syndrome – between the two platforms and put them side-by-side.
You can click the images above for a bigger view and critique the images in question. Can you spot the difference? According to the SegaNerds, “PSP‘s textures look cleaner and more crisp.” Alien Syndrome from Totally Games is set to hit the shelves in May this year and the game is still decidedly in the works. They conclude that “whatever way you slice it, it’s hard to argue that the games don’t look pretty similar, graphically speaking.”
Would you agree? Maybe the fact that there isn’t much difference between the two versions – aesthetically speaking or at least pre-release-wise – that called for this type of criticism for the Wii. Well, that remains to be seen in the long run.