A LOTRO elf wants to tell her Beta story
Well, at least this one ain’t a cross-country trip through supercreep territory. This is a Lord of the Rings Online story (beta journal) published by Turbine, Inc. of a female elf (well, the avatar was a girl, anyway…), who decided that when she grows levels up she’ll be stable a Champion and turn the tables. And no, her name ain’t Shirley.
Being an elf, she started out in Ered Lurin, beautiful elf country that it is. As she grew, however, her path would take her north, then east, towards the Shire. That path was one of constant change, as the lush forests of Ered Lurin gave way to the mountains of the dwarven lands, and then the rolling hills of the Shire, so too did her quests and her companions change with the landscape. One pleasant discovery was that, at least in the Beta, “‘pick-up group’ is not a bad word.” We take this to mean that one can freely group and ungroup with others to tackle group quests. We’re hoping this sticks in the final as clans and guilds, after all, can be so… restrictive.
Another pleasant discovery would be that champion elves can dual-wield weapons, and for that we only have one thing to say: melee Legolas FTW. You go, girl!
Well, at least this one ain’t a cross-country trip through supercreep territory. This is a Lord of the Rings Online story (beta journal) published by Turbine, Inc. of a female elf (well, the avatar was a girl, anyway…), who decided that when she grows levels up she’ll be stable a Champion and turn the tables. And no, her name ain’t Shirley.
Being an elf, she started out in Ered Lurin, beautiful elf country that it is. As she grew, however, her path would take her north, then east, towards the Shire. That path was one of constant change, as the lush forests of Ered Lurin gave way to the mountains of the dwarven lands, and then the rolling hills of the Shire, so too did her quests and her companions change with the landscape. One pleasant discovery was that, at least in the Beta, “‘pick-up group’ is not a bad word.” We take this to mean that one can freely group and ungroup with others to tackle group quests. We’re hoping this sticks in the final as clans and guilds, after all, can be so… restrictive.
Another pleasant discovery would be that champion elves can dual-wield weapons, and for that we only have one thing to say: melee Legolas FTW. You go, girl!