A Touch of War v0.8a – Online!
JimmyL has released a new version of his fantastic RTS (real time strategy) game on the NDS. A Touch of War (AToW) has progressed from being a very simple game, to more advance graphics that appeal more to the eye. The newest eye-catching feature to be added is the ability to play online against other people. As of the current release, you may play against one other player. To find a player, just wait in the lobby and find a game, or host one yourself. You can host one easily, but another user, Blubb has made note that to host a game you must forward port #9999 (UDP Only) if you need to. The online play is the same as single player, just against another human like you! This is one of the first NDS homebrew games to utilize the new WiFi capabilites of the NDS.
To play online, you must own a WiFi game to setup your WiFi connection and a wireless router (or Nintendo’s WiFi USB Device) to establish a wireless connection.
Download: [A Touch of War v0.8a]
JimmyL has released a new version of his fantastic RTS (real time strategy) game on the NDS. A Touch of War (AToW) has progressed from being a very simple game, to more advance graphics that appeal more to the eye. The newest eye-catching feature to be added is the ability to play online against other people. As of the current release, you may play against one other player. To find a player, just wait in the lobby and find a game, or host one yourself. You can host one easily, but another user, Blubb has made note that to host a game you must forward port #9999 (UDP Only) if you need to. The online play is the same as single player, just against another human like you! This is one of the first NDS homebrew games to utilize the new WiFi capabilites of the NDS.
To play online, you must own a WiFi game to setup your WiFi connection and a wireless router (or Nintendo’s WiFi USB Device) to establish a wireless connection.
Download: [A Touch of War v0.8a]