A Warhammer Online overview: Thunder Mountain
“I have the higher ground” – Famous words uttered by a venerable Jedi Master to his corrupted Padawan during a critical battle. In EA Mythic‘s Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, however, the higher ground once again comes into focus with Thunder Mountain. Why is it important to Dwarf, greenskin and human alike? Find out after the jump.
Dwarves and mountains just seem to go together in EA Mythic‘s Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR). The Dwarves aren’t the only one’s interested in Thunder Mountain, however – greenskins and rogue humans have their own plans for this strategic region as well.
Situated right between the Dwarven and greenskin capital cities, Thunder Mountain’s purpose is two-fold: it serves as a staging ground for defense and a source of gromril. Dwarven forgers require this metal in order to build the mighty Doomstriker machines.
While the greenskins wish to clear a path through the mountain for their Waaagh! (trust us, we have no idea why they call it that), certain humans have plans of their own. The group known as Reichert’s Raiders seeks to steal the Dwarven treasure for themselves. The Drakk cultists, on the other hand, have hired the Ogre Gutbash clan for protection, making enemies of both Dwarf and greenskin alike.
Will the Dwarves be able to claim Thunder Mountain and turn the tide of the war, or will they be thwarted by the greenskins? And what of the humans? To find out, stay tuned for more updates on Warhammer Online lore from EA Mythic.