Adjectives make Scribblenauts Super
The first Scribblenauts already made lots of headway, but 5th Cell promised to improve on the game controls and even add up to the already impressive formula. Now that they’re giving adjectives to the sequel, you get a much better Super Scribblenauts. There has been a lot of expectation for this expansive new feature, and judging by this trailer, it delivers.
The first Scribblenauts already made lots of headway, but 5th Cell promised to improve on the game controls and even add up to the already impressive formula. Now that they’re giving adjectives to the sequel, you get a much better Super Scribblenauts. There has been a lot of expectation for this expansive new feature, and judging by this trailer, it delivers.
Super Scribblenauts will be showing off at E3 and will certainly receive adjectives of its own. Warner Bros. Interactive is scribbling an October release for this one.