After Burner: Black Falcon info and screens


Don’t you just love it when your favorite classic games are ported to current-gen consoles? Makes you feel like a kid again, and you can almost smell the scent of adolescent wounds opening up as you recall being beaten up by the neighborhood bully ‘coz you beat him in Contra, or say, After Burner.

Oh, funny we should mention After Burner, ‘cuz that’s exactly what this post is about! (Lame segue, I know.*hides face in embarassment*) As you guys have probably heard, Sega will be bringing this classic 1987 flight combat shooter game to the PSP with the help of Planet Moon Studios — the same people who brought us Infected. 1up was able to get an exclusive look at the game, as well as details. Here are some of the game features we were able to gather from the 1up exclusive:

  • more than 30 missions in the single-player campaign where you’ll find objectives and missions that you’ll get to replay using different characters
  • plane customizations
  • Co-op play (!!!), as well as multiplayer – Project lead Ryan Kaufman says, “We wanted the game to be fun for more than just one person, why not make it fun for two people? Or even eight?”

They’re still pretty tight-lipped about the co-op and multiplayer modes so we’ll have to wait for more info and updates. We wouldn’t blame you if you get your hopes up though, seeing as how Infected‘s multiplayer stint worked out mighty fine on PSP.After Burner: Black Falcon is said to be slated for release Spring next year, but as we said, details remain scarce so we’ll have to wait for more info to come out. While waiting for that, check out the screens below, why don’tcha?

after burner: black falcon - Image 1after burner: black falcon - Image 2

Via 1up


Don’t you just love it when your favorite classic games are ported to current-gen consoles? Makes you feel like a kid again, and you can almost smell the scent of adolescent wounds opening up as you recall being beaten up by the neighborhood bully ‘coz you beat him in Contra, or say, After Burner.

Oh, funny we should mention After Burner, ‘cuz that’s exactly what this post is about! (Lame segue, I know.*hides face in embarassment*) As you guys have probably heard, Sega will be bringing this classic 1987 flight combat shooter game to the PSP with the help of Planet Moon Studios — the same people who brought us Infected. 1up was able to get an exclusive look at the game, as well as details. Here are some of the game features we were able to gather from the 1up exclusive:

  • more than 30 missions in the single-player campaign where you’ll find objectives and missions that you’ll get to replay using different characters
  • plane customizations
  • Co-op play (!!!), as well as multiplayer – Project lead Ryan Kaufman says, “We wanted the game to be fun for more than just one person, why not make it fun for two people? Or even eight?”

They’re still pretty tight-lipped about the co-op and multiplayer modes so we’ll have to wait for more info and updates. We wouldn’t blame you if you get your hopes up though, seeing as how Infected‘s multiplayer stint worked out mighty fine on PSP.After Burner: Black Falcon is said to be slated for release Spring next year, but as we said, details remain scarce so we’ll have to wait for more info to come out. While waiting for that, check out the screens below, why don’tcha?

after burner: black falcon - Image 1after burner: black falcon - Image 2

Via 1up

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