Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures – lag makes siege almost unplayable
The siege combat in Funcom‘s Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is bugged as hell, or at least that’s the common consensus of the players who’ve tried it so far. A guild on the Deathwhisper server conducted a siege on one of the Battlekeeps in the game and found a lot of problems, with the biggest one being lag. To find out more, head on over to the full article.
Followers of Crom believe that the god gave us the strength when we were born to overcome any foe. Well, apparently, they’ve never had to face opponents while lagging in Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. The first siege on the Deathwhisper server took place this morning at 6 A.M. and it seems that the lag made the instance almost unplayable.
A poster from the Sinister Forums gave a blow by blow account of the problems they encountered with the siege system of the game with lag being on top of the list. There were around 90 players engaged in the battle and the framerate was said to have dropped to ” a solid 2-3 fps.”
Before you go bashing the poster by saying that he might be running a low end system, note that he was packing a quad core 2.4 GHZ system with 2 GB of RAM and an 8800 GT. A setup which can run the game at a solid 40 to 60 FPS under “normal circumstances.”
In addition to the lag, here are some of the other problems that other players reported:
- The 48 vs 48 doesn’t work for shit. Its like 96 ppl per zone and LoTD had the usual zerg there (including PRX, DDH) what blocked a good amount of our guys out. If the zone is full and you die it just kicks ya out and resses you at a random gy in the world. After the first ppl got locked out/ressed out I would guess it was around 60 defenders against 36 attackers in this siege.
- Siege machines dont work.
- The Keeps themselves are bugged as hell…you can walk by walls, through walls, through buildings and stuff.
- Theres only one gy for the attackers which is so far off that it ain’t funny.
- Merc system doesn’t work, you have to guildhop to help your allies, whats stupid and annoying.
- The lag…its insane, beyond everything you can imagine. On my computer i couldn’t move a step, on macs computer thats really good I had a kickass 5 fps.
It’s unfortunate that these problems haven’t been worked out by Funcom. After all, siege combat is perhaps one of the biggest draws of the game. Hopefully, the developers will sit down and take a long hard look at the instance and fix it because if they keep it as it is, I know of quite a number of players who will be unsubscribing to the game.
Via Sinister Forums