Age of Conan: more patch notes for August 27 update
August 22, 2008
More patch notes are out for Age of Conan‘s August 27 patch. It’s not as long as the one released a couple of days ago, but it’s still a pretty hefty update with changes to the classes, guilds, the GUI, and more. Check it out in the full article.
More patch notes are out forAge of Conan‘s August 27 patch. It’s not as long as the one released a couple of days ago, but it’s still a pretty hefty update with changes to the classes, guilds, the GUI, and more.
- Tradepost – The sales commission is now added to the price of the item and withdrawn from the buyer.
- Tradepost – You will no longer be charged a fee for changing the price of your item.
- Corrected several typos in dialog in many areas.
- Rogue (General)
- Agile Mind is now a clickable. The cooldown is 9 minutes, and is reduced by 3 minutes per rank.
- Escape Artist will now always work. The cooldown is now 3 minutes, and is reduced by 1 minute per rank.
- Thirst For Blood will now properly increase the player’s Stamina Regen values.
- Arcane Marauder will now properly drain mana with 4 feat points invested.
- Buffs from Reaver Stance will now display a stack count in the GUI.
- Buffs from Blood Rage Stance will now display a stack count in the GUI.
Bear Shaman
- Blood Champion will now give the proper buff effect when one point is invested in the feat.
- Blood Champion will now proc off Blood Flow (Rank 1).
- Rend and Tear will now improve the damage over time effect from Bloodbath I.
- Frenzy and Defensive stance no longer persist after zoning.
- Pressing ESC to abort a fatality will not make it appear that your opponent is dead anymore.
- Pets will now teleport with you when you zone.
- When you die, all the pets that were alive will respawn when you ressurect.
- The time display while in Tortage Underhalls at night should now be correct.
- PvP health/mana/stamina taps will now be displayed as intended in tooltips.
- The red skull should always appear over your own head when you are murderer.
- Items that you can not use no longer prompt you regarding their BoE status.
- /guild should now always work after zoning.
- When you dismount a horse, your regular runspeed will always be applied.
- (Lacheish Plains) Farghan no longer has looping dialog.
- Emotes and camera angles have been implemented to all 11 tradeskill dialogs.
- PvP XP is now only given if the opponent player is above gray con to you ( ie. no more than 7 levels below you or higher, and cons a color to you).
- Murderpoints are now given if the player you kill is more than 7 levels below you. (ie. that player cons gray to you).
- If under attack while you have Shield of the Risen active, out of combat regeneration is no longer stopped. This stops a griefing technique where spawn campers could stop you regenerating.
- Grouping or trading with criminals will reset your criminal timer.
- PvP levels gained will be shown as an onscreen message.
- PvP damage has been further tweaked to do less DPS than the damage done in PvE.
Massive PvP
- The gate will now display a message when the damaged state is preventing you from opening it.
- City gates are now functional until the gate is heavily damaged.
- The city gate will no longer receive an extra lever after repairing it.
- It’s no longer impossible to repair a destroyed city gate.
- (Conall’s Valley) The Gambler’s Gambit – The collision in the Spider Cavern has been fixed, and it is once again possible to pick up the debt money to finish this quest.
- (Destiny Quest – Priest) Awakening II – The Red Hand Inquisitor Leader will no longer spawn above level 20.
- (Destiny Quest – Rogue) Awakening I – You should now be able to stealth without every guard spotting you.
- (Destiny Quest – End Battle) The Red Hand High Priest will no longer spawn above level 20.
- (Khopshef) The Roots of the Earth – Quest goal has been updated with correct name, Darkroot.
- (Lacheish Plains) Brandoc Village – The waymarker for this quest has been made more visible.
- (Pyramid of the Ancients) Dangers of Decadence – The key is now removed your inventory when you free Shali.
- (Tarantia Noble) Paetus and the Nemedian Crown IIII is now named Paetus and the Nemedian Crown IV.
- (Tortage Underhalls) Gold and Gore – Looting rings from corpses should work correctly.
- Reduced the bonuses granted by all Invulnerability, Evade, Fatality, Offhand Chance, and Damage gems by a significant amount.
- Alchemist Cache no longer contains the easily accessible vendor-bought resources.
- The Skinner dialog now works,and resolves the quests to allow you to continue in the class.
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