Age of Conan’s open beta to end with level 20 PvP mayhem
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is getting ready to enter complete and utter pandemonium. We’ve just learned that they’ll be turning all the servers into PvP servers come May 10. That being said, they’ll also be leveling the playing field by making everyone equal in terms of level and gear. Learn more about PvP Mayhem after the jump!
It looks as if the folks at Funcom are gearing up from utter chaos as the open beta for Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures draws to a close. Their latest news tidbit over on the official website notes that PvP Mayhem will be ensue on all the servers when May 10 rolls around.
Here’s the pertinent information straight from Age of Conan’s news site:
- All servers become PvP servers. You can kill each other – no level restrictions on killing or getting killed, but you cannot PvP in the major cities.
- All level 13 characters becomes level 20. Their inventory is wiped, but they have “tons” of money and really nice equipment suitable for level 20’s. Shopping bonanza!
- You have access to ALL zones and ALL levels after level 20!
- You will be zoned to your Race’s Hub. (Cimmerians – Conarch Village, Aquillonians – Old Tarantia and Stygians – Khemi!
They haven’t mentioned a specific time as to when these changes will take effect, but you’ll definitely want to be prepared for it. Grow stronger and more skillful as you progress through the game, because when PvP Mayhem comes to Hyboria, you definitely don’t want to end up on the wrong end of the sword.