Aggressive non-competition: if you have gamers, then we’ll *make* gamers!
Well, it looks like Nintendo is really going for the humble approach. Nice to read about this bit of news after hearing about that Nintendo 1 million Wiis retraction a few days ago.
Here’s what Satoru Iwata told Japanese reporters in Tokyo:
Our focus has been on how we could make those who had not been interested in TV games so far become interested. So we are not really thinking about competing with PlayStation 3. Although we are not really thinking about winning against Sony, we do hope to make efforts so that in the end, the number of units sold by Nintendo surpasses that of Sony. Nintendo and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. have each set global sales targets for their consoles of 6 million units by the end of March 2007.
So they’re not aiming to win over PS3 zealots. What they’re looking to do is increase the global gaming population, and recruit to their side of the console war everyone and anyone who isn’t waving a PS3 or Xbox 360 flag. With the high shipping numbers that Nintendo has presented so far, you “hardcore-established” folks better prepare for the attack of the newbies.
Note that we purposely avoided the derogatory “n00b” and used the relatively harmless “newbie”, because well, we don’t mean any harm at all. We’re just saying that you all better prepare for wives, girlfriends, grandmothers, grandfathers and *gasp* even “teh gay” (why is gay such a derogatory in internet speak anyway? And it’s not as if there aren’t a whole lot of gay gamers already…) to get into the culture that we oh so adore.
Via Japan Today
Well, it looks like Nintendo is really going for the humble approach. Nice to read about this bit of news after hearing about that Nintendo 1 million Wiis retraction a few days ago.
Here’s what Satoru Iwata told Japanese reporters in Tokyo:
Our focus has been on how we could make those who had not been interested in TV games so far become interested. So we are not really thinking about competing with PlayStation 3. Although we are not really thinking about winning against Sony, we do hope to make efforts so that in the end, the number of units sold by Nintendo surpasses that of Sony. Nintendo and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. have each set global sales targets for their consoles of 6 million units by the end of March 2007.
So they’re not aiming to win over PS3 zealots. What they’re looking to do is increase the global gaming population, and recruit to their side of the console war everyone and anyone who isn’t waving a PS3 or Xbox 360 flag. With the high shipping numbers that Nintendo has presented so far, you “hardcore-established” folks better prepare for the attack of the newbies.
Note that we purposely avoided the derogatory “n00b” and used the relatively harmless “newbie”, because well, we don’t mean any harm at all. We’re just saying that you all better prepare for wives, girlfriends, grandmothers, grandfathers and *gasp* even “teh gay” (why is gay such a derogatory in internet speak anyway? And it’s not as if there aren’t a whole lot of gay gamers already…) to get into the culture that we oh so adore.
Via Japan Today