Akuma in Super Street Fighter II HD: back and badder than ever!

Akuna HD vs original - Image 1 

The Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network are bringing back the 16-bit classic Super Street Fighter II with an HD twist and we’ve seen some screens of what the amped-up pixels will look like. We must say that the HD effect is indeed a wonderful, wonderful one as shown here with bad-ass Shotokan striker Akuma.

What you see above is a comparison of the old pixels to the right and the new HD version to the left. Below are two more shots of him doing the trademark hurricane kick and his familiar “taunt” pose.

Fighting game aficionados will recall that Akuma made his debut in this mid-90’s iteration of the immortal fighting game franchise. Back then and up to now, he’s been a powerhouse with his wide array of moves and combos. Now he’s back to give you more nightmares by pummeling you faster than you can say “tatsumaki-senpu-kyaku!” Boo-yah!

Akuma - Image 1 Akuma - Image 2

Akuna HD vs original - Image 1 

The Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network are bringing back the 16-bit classic Super Street Fighter II with an HD twist and we’ve seen some screens of what the amped-up pixels will look like. We must say that the HD effect is indeed a wonderful, wonderful one as shown here with bad-ass Shotokan striker Akuma.

What you see above is a comparison of the old pixels to the right and the new HD version to the left. Below are two more shots of him doing the trademark hurricane kick and his familiar “taunt” pose.

Fighting game aficionados will recall that Akuma made his debut in this mid-90’s iteration of the immortal fighting game franchise. Back then and up to now, he’s been a powerhouse with his wide array of moves and combos. Now he’s back to give you more nightmares by pummeling you faster than you can say “tatsumaki-senpu-kyaku!” Boo-yah!

Akuma - Image 1 Akuma - Image 2

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