All About The Daevi in “Chronicles of Spellborn”
“Races” (a “charged” word, admittedly; I think “species” or “peoples” would be preferable in gaming contexts) are a part of most MMORPG’s. Usually, these are the “Race” of Men, the “Race” of Dwarves, the “Race” of Elves, the “Race” of Goblins, and so forth. Some game designers have created whole “races” from scratch, however.
One of these original “races” was partially the creation of Chris Nengerman, Lead Game Designer for The Chronicles of Spellborn. Recently, Mr. Nengerman had some things to say about his creation – an interesting group called the Daevi.
Daevi are a mixed people – a hybrid between the magical immortals known as the Mumia and mortal humans. As such, they stand with a foot in each world, yet not quite fitting into either. Their physical appearance is determined by their mythical Birthsigns, which allowed the Eight to keep track of their half-human offspring while continuing their enslavement.
Eventually, the Mumia who had sired the Daevi lost their power over them, and they sided with the Houses of Humanity. Their birthsigns, once a symbol of their slavery, are now symbols of freedom and defiance. Over the years, all Daevi have come to look the same, and bear a strong resemblance to their human cousins.
As far as their lives, the Daevi differ little from humans. They are born, they grow, age and die, albeit more slowly; the average lifespan of a Daevi is about 20 years longer than that of a Human. They tend to be more decisive than Humans, and their moral choices effect them and those around them to a much greater degree. Interestingly, when Humans and Daevi mate, the offspring is invariably one or the other – there are no “half-blooded” children or hybrids.
Like Humans, Daevi live all over the Enclave. Because of their valiant actions during the rebellion against the Eight and their subsequent contributions to the arts, sciences, crafts, trade and education, Daevi are treated as equals by Humans and are valued members of society,
“Races” (a “charged” word, admittedly; I think “species” or “peoples” would be preferable in gaming contexts) are a part of most MMORPG’s. Usually, these are the “Race” of Men, the “Race” of Dwarves, the “Race” of Elves, the “Race” of Goblins, and so forth. Some game designers have created whole “races” from scratch, however.
One of these original “races” was partially the creation of Chris Nengerman, Lead Game Designer for The Chronicles of Spellborn. Recently, Mr. Nengerman had some things to say about his creation – an interesting group called the Daevi.
Daevi are a mixed people – a hybrid between the magical immortals known as the Mumia and mortal humans. As such, they stand with a foot in each world, yet not quite fitting into either. Their physical appearance is determined by their mythical Birthsigns, which allowed the Eight to keep track of their half-human offspring while continuing their enslavement.
Eventually, the Mumia who had sired the Daevi lost their power over them, and they sided with the Houses of Humanity. Their birthsigns, once a symbol of their slavery, are now symbols of freedom and defiance. Over the years, all Daevi have come to look the same, and bear a strong resemblance to their human cousins.
As far as their lives, the Daevi differ little from humans. They are born, they grow, age and die, albeit more slowly; the average lifespan of a Daevi is about 20 years longer than that of a Human. They tend to be more decisive than Humans, and their moral choices effect them and those around them to a much greater degree. Interestingly, when Humans and Daevi mate, the offspring is invariably one or the other – there are no “half-blooded” children or hybrids.
Like Humans, Daevi live all over the Enclave. Because of their valiant actions during the rebellion against the Eight and their subsequent contributions to the arts, sciences, crafts, trade and education, Daevi are treated as equals by Humans and are valued members of society,