Amazon customers cry out: Where’s our Wii???
With an online retailer as big as Amazon, it is understandable why people would expect that the latest and in-demand gadgets would be available for purchase. However, much to the disappointment and alarm of their patrons, Amazon still does not have the Wii up for sale. Well, they do have a page for it. Just not the console itself.
What’s irked them customers the most is that the site seems to be laying out a bait for them, making them wait until they finally see a Wii up on sale. Some of them has been waiting since before midnight. It’s simply a waste of their time. But knowing that Amazon is a trustworthy company, at least 99.5% of the time, they choose to wait it out. Says one,
“…I’m pretty irked at this whole process, since 6 years ago, I actually got my first ps2 from Amazon in exactly the same way — sitting around for hours, reloading and reloading, until I finally, maybe, got lucky. I’m older now, so maybe I’m more cantankerous, but it really seems like you ought to have learned something over time about how not to waste your customer’s time.”
While the company will sure be losing some long-time customers over this tactic, we can’t help but agree with one of the comments:
“…Amazon is going to lose some long time customers over this one … but, they won’t care, because they’ll still sell the systems within minutes. Too bad!”
Ouch. Click on the source link below for more of the angry thread.
Via Amazon
With an online retailer as big as Amazon, it is understandable why people would expect that the latest and in-demand gadgets would be available for purchase. However, much to the disappointment and alarm of their patrons, Amazon still does not have the Wii up for sale. Well, they do have a page for it. Just not the console itself.
What’s irked them customers the most is that the site seems to be laying out a bait for them, making them wait until they finally see a Wii up on sale. Some of them has been waiting since before midnight. It’s simply a waste of their time. But knowing that Amazon is a trustworthy company, at least 99.5% of the time, they choose to wait it out. Says one,
“…I’m pretty irked at this whole process, since 6 years ago, I actually got my first ps2 from Amazon in exactly the same way — sitting around for hours, reloading and reloading, until I finally, maybe, got lucky. I’m older now, so maybe I’m more cantankerous, but it really seems like you ought to have learned something over time about how not to waste your customer’s time.”
While the company will sure be losing some long-time customers over this tactic, we can’t help but agree with one of the comments:
“…Amazon is going to lose some long time customers over this one … but, they won’t care, because they’ll still sell the systems within minutes. Too bad!”
Ouch. Click on the source link below for more of the angry thread.
Via Amazon