Analysts: PlayStation 3 past the worst, picking up momentum
Although the PlayStation 3 hasn’t released its hardware numbers for Thanksgiving yet, it can’t be disputed that they’ve outsold the Wii in Japan for the month of November. Owing to its recent pick-up in sales, analyst David Gibson of Macquarie Securities believes this as a sign that the PlayStation 3’s momentum “is improving” and is “past the worst in terms of financial losses.” Read more in the full article.
Although the PlayStation 3 hasn’t released its hardware numbers for Thanksgiving yet, it can’t be disputed that they’ve outsold the Wii in Japan for the month of November. Owing to its recent pick-up in sales, analysts believe that Sony‘s future is getting brighter.
Gibson, an analyst for Macquarie Securities, believes the rise in sales can be attributed to the price cut and the release of the new model. He adds that the fact the PS3 picked up in sales in Japan is significant. This puts pressure on Nintendo on its home turf.
Gibson states that Sony is past the worst “in terms of financial losses.” Analysts believe it won’t maintain its lead over the Wii in Japan but Gibson says that it’s still “certainly a sign that the momentum of the PS3 […] is improving.”
Hiroshi Kamide, an analyst at KBC Securities, believes that Sony is “making up for lost ground,” and that:
Going forward another 12 months or so I’m sure we’ll see better titles turning up as well. I wouldn’t say Sony’s back on form and everything is going to be OK now but it feels like the proper launch (for the PS3) this year.
Via Forbes