Annoying Promotion for PSP Boxing Game


That?s former prize fighter called Wajima showing his famous ?Frog Punch? to reporters at a press conference for the upcoming PSP title Boxer?s Road 2: The Real and NOT some old man that?s just been kicked in the nuts. The PSP game?s a sequel of sorts to the popular PS2 title and out this week.

Full Article Here [Watch Impress] (Via Kotaku)


That?s former prize fighter called Wajima showing his famous ?Frog Punch? to reporters at a press conference for the upcoming PSP title Boxer?s Road 2: The Real and NOT some old man that?s just been kicked in the nuts. The PSP game?s a sequel of sorts to the popular PS2 title and out this week.

Full Article Here [Watch Impress] (Via Kotaku)

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