Another batch of PSX Icon Pack
With the advent of different PSX games coming to our beloved PSP units, the need for better icons are becoming more relevant. It’s true we’re all gamers here but sad to say, we are not all artistic. Try as we might, there are those among us that has that unique eye for art and beauty. And so, releasing an icon pack is always and will always be appreciated.
Yesterday, we actually shared with you PSX Icon Pack v1.01 from developer Xaniseth. The pack included icons and pictures from titles such as video game franchise Final Fantasy and Tekken. This time, another homebrew developer took it upon himself to provide us with the same kind of goodies. Yay!
Synangel just released his first icon pack and boy oh boy, they are looking very pretty and sweet indeed. Just like the others, the files are in .PNG format and are in perfect resolution. This pack should be used with a program similar to Popstation GUI. Game icons than can be found in the package include Duke Nukem, Castlevania, Smackdown, MediEvil and many more.
Download: [Syn’s PSX Icon Pack v1]
With the advent of different PSX games coming to our beloved PSP units, the need for better icons are becoming more relevant. It’s true we’re all gamers here but sad to say, we are not all artistic. Try as we might, there are those among us that has that unique eye for art and beauty. And so, releasing an icon pack is always and will always be appreciated.
Yesterday, we actually shared with you PSX Icon Pack v1.01 from developer Xaniseth. The pack included icons and pictures from titles such as video game franchise Final Fantasy and Tekken. This time, another homebrew developer took it upon himself to provide us with the same kind of goodies. Yay!
Synangel just released his first icon pack and boy oh boy, they are looking very pretty and sweet indeed. Just like the others, the files are in .PNG format and are in perfect resolution. This pack should be used with a program similar to Popstation GUI. Game icons than can be found in the package include Duke Nukem, Castlevania, Smackdown, MediEvil and many more.
Download: [Syn’s PSX Icon Pack v1]