Another PS3 shipment “due next week”? OH HAPPY DAY!


You know what? Honestly, with all the chaos and the mayhem and the mugging and the drive-bys and shooting and the stampedes and the long lines and the evil PC Gamer stalking campers and other console fanboys pointing and laughing… (DEEP BREATH), people keep forgetting that Sony‘s promised a steady supply to make up for the launch numbers boo-boo (and all the other following boo-boos, it seems).

So, to demonstrate the error of everyone’s ways, let’s turn to a clip from who, for some strange reason, just posted now a newsbit claimed to have been seen on CBS News Online last Friday. (Please don’t look at us like that. It’s not like our TV’s plugged to CNN or BBC 24/7, and everyone else’s too concerned about the bad news).

We are getting a second shipment next week, probably around the middle of next week,” Matt Levitan, marketing and public relations manager for Sony Computer Entertainment of Canada, told CBC News Online on Friday. “We’ll know by Monday or Tuesday when they will be available. We are flying in shipments from Japan and China, and will probably ship them directly to retail” instead of to Sony’s warehouses, he said.

And Mr. Levitan tells CBS News Online that they expect four or five more PS3 shipments before the end of the year. See? Patience is a virtue. Wait, you did say he was from SCE-Canada, right? (A million eyes look longingly northwards).

A big thanks to Max for submitting this tip. After that bit on the Boston chaos, it’s a nice breath of air to actually hear this and make people wake up from both the dream and the nightmare of Launch Day. Now this really is a zip-ah-dee-doo-dah day!


You know what? Honestly, with all the chaos and the mayhem and the mugging and the drive-bys and shooting and the stampedes and the long lines and the evil PC Gamer stalking campers and other console fanboys pointing and laughing… (DEEP BREATH), people keep forgetting that Sony‘s promised a steady supply to make up for the launch numbers boo-boo (and all the other following boo-boos, it seems).

So, to demonstrate the error of everyone’s ways, let’s turn to a clip from who, for some strange reason, just posted now a newsbit claimed to have been seen on CBS News Online last Friday. (Please don’t look at us like that. It’s not like our TV’s plugged to CNN or BBC 24/7, and everyone else’s too concerned about the bad news).

We are getting a second shipment next week, probably around the middle of next week,” Matt Levitan, marketing and public relations manager for Sony Computer Entertainment of Canada, told CBC News Online on Friday. “We’ll know by Monday or Tuesday when they will be available. We are flying in shipments from Japan and China, and will probably ship them directly to retail” instead of to Sony’s warehouses, he said.

And Mr. Levitan tells CBS News Online that they expect four or five more PS3 shipments before the end of the year. See? Patience is a virtue. Wait, you did say he was from SCE-Canada, right? (A million eyes look longingly northwards).

A big thanks to Max for submitting this tip. After that bit on the Boston chaos, it’s a nice breath of air to actually hear this and make people wake up from both the dream and the nightmare of Launch Day. Now this really is a zip-ah-dee-doo-dah day!

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