Apple’s new iPhone 4 unveiled, specs, details

iphone4shortSo the WWDC 2010 is on, and the biggest news that’s come out of it so far is the big reveal for the iPhone 4. We must say, it’s looking darned pretty. I’m beginning to believe Apple is indeed set to conquer our futures. Here’s a rundown of the features of the new iPhone 4, in case you missed it.



So the WWDC 2010 is on, and the biggest news that’s come out of it so far is the big reveal for the iPhone 4. We must say, it’s looking darned pretty. I’m beginning to believe Apple is indeed set to conquer our futures.






Here’s a rundown of the features of the new iPhone 4, in case you missed it. It’s still the glossy, iPhone pretty on the outside, but on the inside, it packs a whopping punch.










  • rear camera with LED flash
  • “Retina Display” – new high-res display, doubles the pixels in each direction (960×640); 4x overall pixel count increase; 326ppi
  • IPS display – 800:1 contrast
  • 3.5 inches
  • A4 processor (same as the one in the iPad)
  • Battery: 7 hours for 3G talk, 6 hours for 3G browsing, 10 hours WiFi browsing, 10 hours video, 40 hours music
  • WiFi: 802.11n
  • Camera: 5 megapixels, 5x digital zoom, backside “illuminated sensor” – can record HD video at 720p / 30 fps







  • iOS 4: gives high-res text and buttons
  • gyroscope
  • new “Core Motion” API: access to devs for that “six axis” motion control between the gyroscope, accelerometer and compass
  • iMovie app
  • FaceTime: via the new front camera enabled for video chat; currently Wi-Fi only video-calling feature; works from iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 with “no setup” involved





iPhone 4 has been dated to officially debut on retail stores by June 24, 2010. It will be available in two models, 16GB and 32GB, and retailing at US$ 199 and US$ 299 for each model, respectively.





First party case will also be available for US$ 29, same as the dock.So yes, this pretty much starts the countdown till the official phase out of the 3GS, whose price will be dropped to US$ 99 as a going out sale of sorts, until it goes poof completely from the market.

You can start pre-ordering for the iPhone 4 as soon as next week for US, France, Germany, UK and Japan. 18 more countries will be following suit come July. Colors available are black and white.





Images courtesy of Engadget





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