Army of Two downloadable content in the works, one coming up soon
We’re sure some of you have been playing EA Montreal‘s co-op shooter since it hit the shelves and you may think Tyson and Rios need some downloadable content love. Well, we’ve just caught wind of news regarding some DLC for Army of Two (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360). Click the link below for more info.
Army of Two from Electronic Arts Montreal charged the store shelves, and well, if you’re a co-op shooter lover, we’re sure you’ve been playing it since it hit. News have just reached us about EA Montreal‘s future plans for the title.
According to Brian Crecente of Kotaku who spoke with the devs, the next thing on EA Montreal’s to do list is downloadable content for Army of Two (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360). The report notes that tons of downloadable content is set to beef up the video game and that some of the said DLC will be hitting a few clicks after the game’s release.
We’ll be checking out the web for more info on this so stay tuned. The rest of the world will have to wait for a few more days for Army of Two, but for those in want of some co-op action, it may just be worth it.
Buy: [ Army of Two (Xbox 360) ]
Buy: [ Army of Two (PS3) ]