Army of Two to get veteran map pack soon

Army of Two - Image 1Electronic Arts has announced that the Army of Two (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) Veteran Map Pack will be arriving very soon on both the Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation 3 store. To find out more about this, head on over to the full article by clicking on the “read more” link below.

Army of Two - Image 1 

Electronic Arts has announced that Army of Two (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) will be getting a free update on May 29 via the Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation 3 store. This update, called the Veteran Map Pack, is sponsored by Pontiac and offers gamers a trio of maps.

The first map has Elliot Salem and Tyson Rios exploring a subway station in Kiev where they have to shutdown an underground militia. The second map has the two heroes back in the SSC headquarters where they have a chance to take out their former employer, Dalton. Finally, the third map is an online-only map which pits two teams of two players each against each other in the China Canal Lock map.

Once again, the Veteran Map Pack for Army of Two will be available on May 29. Keep checking this space for more information on this game.

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