Assassin’s Creed 2 patch incoming
December 10, 2009
Ubisoft has announced that the first patch for Assassin’s Creed 2 will be released today on the PlayStation 3 and will be coming to Xbox 360 this Friday, December 11.

Ubisoft has announced that the first patch for Assassin’s Creed 2 will be released today on the PlayStation 3 and will be coming to Xbox 360 this Friday, December 11.
Patch notes:
Fixed: Situation specific bugs:
- Glyph
After the player has resolved a glyph (when the unlock code message appears), if the player presses A and B (for 360, X and O on PS3) repeatedly and quickly, the video will appear in full screen, and he will get stuck in “the truth menu”. - Fast Travel
Some feedback states that Ezio loses the ability to interact with the fast travel stations. - Free roaming/Parkour
In extremely rare occasions a bug allows Ezio to walk on air. - Auditore Cape
When first equipping or re-equipping the Auditore cape, users in the Villa become notorious even if the cape description says otherwise. - Altair’s armour
While wearing Altair’s armour the game crashes when performing multiple consecutive double assassinations. - Toscana
The game occasionally crashes if the player dies in Toscana, the player is stuck in the animus loading screen. - Water
Ezio and NPCs may get stuck beneath map if pushed in water. - Animus Loading Screen
There were reports of the game crashing while the player is in the Animus loading screen
Fixed: Mission specific issues:
- Sequence 05 Mission 01
The game froze after completing the mission and following certain steps. - Sequence 06 Mission 02
An extremely rare issue could make the game freeze while Ezio is fighting the guards. - Sequence 07 Mission 02
Sometimes the civilians knocked down by Rosa could “float”. - Sequence 07 Mission 07
When the user is in an open conflict, under specific situations the game crashed. - Sequence 08 “Venezia”
If a player desynchronises during the flying machine sequence, the player sometimes spawned near Leo’s workshop and not on the tower. - Secret Location: “Vizitatione”
The user remains stuck after locking onto the agile guard with the gun. - Sequence 11 Mission 05
The user cannot continue gameplay after quitting and loading the game. They are stuck in the hideout. - Sequence 14 Mission 02
The user falls through the texture if he is hit with rocks by the guards while climbing
Sound enhancement:
- 5.1 LPCM support
Via Ubisoft