AtaWii beta 1.0 – Atari ST emulator CaSTaway on Wii
Another homebrew developer is contributing to the Nintendo Wii homebrew development scene with NoNameNo releasing AtaWii for the console. AtaWii, currently in beta 1.0, is a direct port of CaSTaway, the Atari ST emulator for handheld devices. Learn more about this at the full article.
Download: AtaWii beta 1.0
The well-known Atari ST emulator CaSTaway for various handheld devices including the Sony PlayStation Portable can now run on the Nintendo Wii in the form of AtaWii, a port of the aged homebrew application by developer NoNameNo.
AtaWii beta 1.0 requires Team Twiizer’s Twilight Hack like other Wii homebrew apps, which means you should only attempt to make it work if you’ve been keeping tabs on development of the scene. This particular homebrew still has several issues, but it’s probably the only one coming from NoNameNo.
Controls are very simple for this app in its beta stage, and here’s what you need to know:
- up arrow : UP
- down arrow : DOWN
- F1 : B
- F2 : A
- F3 : Y
- F4 : X
- SpaceBar : L Trigger (use it at the woody wood pecker screen)
- Reset the ATARI : R Trigger
- Return to Geckoloader : START
There is a Readme file with the AtaWii download, and you’d want to look at that if you have any questions.
Download: AtaWii beta 1.0