Australian Attorney-General Michael Atkinson steps down

maAustralian gamers are overjoyed with the latest development in their crusade for an R18+ rating – the man who stood in their way is leaving his post. Earlier today, Attorney-General Michael Atkinson suprised everyone with his announcement that he is stepping down, leaving his seatvacant for “talented people on the Labor backbench.”

atkinsonAustralian gamers are overjoyed with the latest development in their crusade for an R18+ rating – the man who stood in their way is leaving his post. Earlier today, Attorney-General Michael Atkinson suprised everyone with his announcement that he is stepping down, leaving his seat vacant for “talented people on the Labor backbench.”


Atkinson is more commonly known in the gaming news for his refusal to allow an R18+ rating for video games, the absence of which is pretty much a blanket-banhammer for games that would have received the classification in Australia. As a result, he has been the target of “criminal defamation”, as he put it, as well as threats from those he believed are from the gaming community.


It got so bad that an internet-censorship plan during the state elections was considered, requiring blog comments to have a full name and an address. He later backflipped and went on the repeal.


His successor has yet to be named, but with him stepping down, the Australian gaming community is hoping that his successor will be more open to hearing their stand. “I believe there should be renewal,” he said. “I think there ought to be renewal in the ministry. I think there are talented people on the Labor backbench who deserve a go.”






[via Adelaide Now]

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