Auto Assault – Beta version 14.101 is released

On Friday the 24th, Auto Assault released version 14.101 of their beta client and it will be available through the patcher or on the FTP site. They have added a ton of awsome things such as new highways, new material for level 20+, over 500 new, rare enhancements and loads more.  If this isn’t a sure fire indicator that the game is just about ready for launch, we don’t know what is.  For those of you who still aren’t playing the beta, you can still try your luck for a spot by clicking here.

For a detailed list of the updates, additions and fixes in v14.101 click Full Article below.

On Friday the 24th, Auto Assault released version 14.101 of their beta client and it will be available through the patcher or on the FTP site. They have added a ton of awsome things such as new highways, new material for level 20+, over 500 new, rare enhancements and loads more.  If this isn’t a sure fire indicator that the game is just about ready for launch, we don’t know what is.  For those of you who still aren’t playing the beta, you can still try your luck for a spot by clicking here.

v14.101 Patch Notes

-Bug Fixes

  • Fix to critical hit adds (specific to vehicle and creature critical hit and critical defense values.
  • Fixed a problem where the “mod” key (aka SHIFT) was being ignored when certain windows required it to be held down to open them (and, likewise, windows that didn’t specify SHIFT shouldn’t open if the SHIFT key was pressed).  For example, by default, the World Map requires M to open while the minimap requires SHIFT+M.  This problem caused the World Map to open even when SHIFT+M was pressed, messing with both windows at once.
  • Fixed bug where collision damage was not changing the health bar.
  • Fixed movement control of non-hazard creatures that you can possess (again, like with Biomek Ranger skill “Recon Drone”).
  • Militia Base: fixed backfire path so it doesn’t get stuck on bridge.
  • Fixed underground repair pads near Windjammer.
  • Jakes Garage: fixed typo in kiosk tutorial for structures.
  • Miscellaneous fixes on several Mutant textures.
  • The “Next Quickbar Active” and “Prev Quickbar Active” keybindings work now.  When you assign keys to these, they will move the currently “active” skill/item in the quickbar forward or backward (same thing as holding shift and scrolling the mousewheel).  You can then use the active skill/item via holding shift and right-clicking the mouse.
  • Fixed a bug that was resetting the player vehicle sound slider to the collision sound slider’s value whenever you’d go back into the audio options screen.
  • Running at really strange resolutions (like 1182×864) shouldn’t cause an item’s drop-shadow (when holding it over an inventory grid) to appear horribly offset.
  • “Slower Camera Movement” option in the Interface Options should actually remember that you set it if you close and re-open the game.
  • Fixed several issues with orange waypoints not pointing to the required level creatures (or for collect missions in general).
  • Fixed issue with blue dots on the minimap pointing to incorrect levels of creatures.
  • Fixed a rounding problem that was causing the “slow” status icon above enemies to show -4% instead of -5% as it should have when using the Mutant Shaman skill “Phased Hindrance”.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing window positions not to save once you logged out if UI scale was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where having more than 8 lines in your journal then opening and closing the world map would cause lines to appear jumbled at the bottom of the journal.
  • Fixed bug with XP scaler not working right on enemies.
  • Fixed bug with convoy XP.
  • Fixed bug where items for key quests will drop.
  • You should see the value of the money you pick up as it goes overhead again.
  • Fix to MaxHP skills so that passive MaxHP skills will also effect CurrentHP  by the same amount.
  • If a summoned creature kills a target without the player tagging it, player should receive credit as if player had tagged it.


  • There are now over 150 unique chassis in the game, filling out all race/class/level ranges! Feedback on any driving problems is appreciated. Some chassis still require full trick and trim treatments, and should become available in an upcoming build.
  • Added stack limits which default to 200. Although certain objects have other limits (you can tell by trying to type 999 into a stack size select screen what he max limit is on an item). If you have existing stacks of higher limits, you can remove from them but not add to them.
  • You can now assign a bind a key to “Toggle Player Names” which will hide both NPC and Player names (if, for instance, you want to take screenshots or something).  Note that it has no default binding, so you’ll have to make one yourself in Controls & Gameplay Options.
  • Added battle modes (3 per class) which can greatly improve your class if used appropriately.
  • The New Power Allocation System is in!  You’ll notice that the speedometer has changed somewhat drastically.  You can click on any of the buttons in the outer ring to allocate your power entirely to Speed, Offense, or Defense.  Be careful, though, as this will decrease the other stats.  If you click in the inner ring, you can fine-tune your power allocation.  See the rollover that pops up for specifics.  Lastly, you can click the button in the center to return to a neutral state.
  • The Battle Modes System is also in!  There is a small HUD piece above the Health/Power/XP window in the lower-right corner.  Click on any one of the buttons to activate the battle mode that is described in the rollover that pops up.  You can only have one battle mode active at a time (and you can just click the currently active battle mode button to disable battle modes altogether).
  • You can now have up to 12 characters per server!  The Character Select Screen has changed slightly to accommodate the change.
  • We have new artwork for the Boss window and the regular Targeting window that hangs off of the speedometer.
  • Added separate volume control for general volume and local car sounds.
  • You can now repair broken items that are being stored in your locker while in town.  In addition, you can repair/experiment on items with crafting commodities/components that are also in your locker.  In other words, you no longer have to keep transferring your crafting materials back from your locker to your cargo when you want to craft!
  • If you do not have enough Experimentation Skill to do experimentation on multiple slots of a broken item while crafting, the crafting window will now include text detailing what level of Experimentation you must have in order to do so.
  • New system for calculating XP. Basically, if you do less than 40% of the total damage to kill a creature you will get only a % of the total value of an enemy. If you do less than 10% of total damage you will not get any XP or loot (you still get mission credit).
  • Added Power Recharge to all repair pads in the game, including the OCD arena repair pads.
  • Created over 500 new, rare, item enhancements.
  • Pass done on Advanced weapon recipes through 100 in the discipline.
  • Backrange: added a kiosk at ascent station that allows the player to replay the beginning fly through whenever they would like.
  • Added a keybinding for “Use Quickbar Active”.  Assigning a key to this will let you use a keyboard shortcut to use the “active” skill/item on the quickbar (just like holding shift and right-clicking the mouse).
  • Attempting to use a tinkering kit on a broken item will result in the message “You cannot use Tinkering Kits on Broken Items!” instead of the slightly more nebulous “The object has no available slots to open.”
  • Added custom wheel recipes.
  • Added recipes to the devices discipline recipes to melee and rear weapons discipline recipes to armor discipline.
  • Added approximately 75 pieces of armor to the beginning discipline.
  • Upside has expanded! A new area with an entrance to Jake’s Garage Moved the location of Kid Gareth, Jake Detroit and the Wheel Vendor for Upside Moved the location of the Clan Registrar.
  • Added little “grip” texture elements to the chat log bar to give a better impression of the fact that the bottom and center pieces can be dragged up and down to resize the bar’s elements.
  • The Health Gauge now displays cracks in the glass as your health drops below certain levels.
  • If you are playing as a Human and your shields absorb damage when you take a hit, a shield effect will pulse over the health bar.
  • Added scrollbar to the vehicle store if the vehicle stats text gets too long (otherwise it makes itself invisible).
  • We now save the chat bar’s current “stretch” and the divider’s position within the chat bar to the window position file, which will be read in every time they re-load the game (or even just log-out and back in).
  • Hydro Electric: added safety landing ramp at Apollo Port of Entry added Derelict Python Western Front-Enhanced event with Plunge Down mission, now with shocking area effect
  • Added three NPCs and associated crafting missions to Zeman’s Garage.
  • Skills that affect your accuracy with weapons (such as Biomek Terminator’s Assault Tactics) should adjust the Accuracy value displayed below each weapon in the Vehicle equipment window accordingly.
  • All chat from GMs should now be marked by (GM).
  • GMs now have purple names so you can tell when it’s really a GM or not.
  • If your team does not meet the required team size/level requirement for the tournament, you’ll get a better error message  specifying who didn’t meet the requirements or the needed team size.


  • The patcher now has two new buttons: “High Quality” and “All Regions”. The “High Quality” button will download high quality textures and sounds as well as the intro cinematic. The “All Regions” button will setup your patcher to download region content for regions 2 (content for around level 20+) and up. Until these regions are unlocked, it’s not recommended to use this option.
  • The method of using gadgets and tinkering kits had changed. Instead of picking up the gadget/tinkering kit and then Right-clicking on the target item, you will now Right-click on the gadget/tinkering kit (which will change your cursor to a hand/wrench graphic) and then Left-click on the target item.  This new behavior is much more similar to the Reverse Engineering and Mass Move commands.  Like those commands, you can cancel out of gadgeting/tinkering mode by pressing ESC or clicking “in the world”.
  • Major pass done on character art and tricks and trims.
  • When you earn a new medal, it displays it down with other the notification buttons above the quickbar.  You can click on this to open up the achievements window to view your medals.
  • Medal rollovers also now have a progress bar to display how far along you are toward completing that medal.
  • The World Map button has been moved up to appear when you roll over the Minimap.  (Opening the World Map is also still bound to the “M” key as the default).
  • Mouse Movement in town is now disabled by default but can be re-enabled in the Interface Options.
  • Group experience calculation changed. Group now gets 10% extra XP per group member.
  • Double Right-Clicking no longer switches/deselects your current target.
  • The Medals window has been improved to display dark versions of the medals you have yet to receive (but are still able to get).  You can roll over them for information and a progress display.
  • Changed vehicle store message from “No Vehicles Available” to “Loading Vehicles…” as that is more accurate as to what’s really happening.
  • Item rollovers now display the appropriate gadget icon instead of the gadget # in the lower panel if the item has gadget slots.
  • Reverse Engineering now uses the wrench mouse cursor icon (like Tinkering).
  • Gadgeting, Tinkering, and Reverse Engineering modes cause items in the inventory to highlight differently according to whether or not they can be used with the given mode.  Explanations have been added to the tooltips when in Tinkering/Gadgeting mode so you can see immediately why a given item cannot be tinkered/gadgeted.
  • The Memorization Window now displays empty slots as well as the slots you can acquire with more memorization skill.
  • Resist icons now appear next to an “R” block if they represent resistance while they will appear next to an “IM” block if they represent immunities (instead of immunities having the “circle-slash” on top of them, making them hard to read).
  • Status icons now have color.
  • The Refinery Window will default to filtering out what you cannot refine.  If you wish to see the full list of what can be refined, click the filter drop-down button and select “All” from the list.
  • The Minimap has a new frame graphic that appears when you roll-over it.
  • If a character kills something on a persistent map, they/convoy will not receive mission credit if they were > 200 meters away from the dead object. For a non-persistent map, there is no distance check for mission credit.
  • On any map, if you are > 200 meters away, you will not receive loot.
  • When you are eligible to receive loot the following also happens:
    • Your kill count is incremented
    • Your enemies page is updated
    • Your hazard mode count is increased
  • Switching vehicles now requires that you remove all items from them (including wheelsets).
  • When you remove a wheelset from a chassis a default wheelset is created which cannot be seen, removed or traded.
  • You can only equip and unequip wheels in town.
  • Memorization presentation has been changed slightly.  Instead of creating an item directly from the memorization panel, you can use the shortcuts on the panel to bring up the standard crafting window, where memorized items will now be located in the list of craftable items (with an [M] in front of the name).  This way you can see details on which commodities/components you are missing as well as other messages (telling you to be near a crafting station, for instance).  This should clear up a lot of the mystery behind why you are sometimes just not allowed to craft an item from memory.
  • Replacing Memorized Items when you are full should be much more straightforward now.  When you select to replace a memorized item with a new one, all of the buttons labeled “Craft” will switch to “Replace”.  Just click on one of these buttons to replace that particular memorized item.
  • The number of items you can have memorized at once is now directly related to your skill in Memorization (see the Research Panel, default key = “Z”).  You start with 3 available memorization slots, but will gain a new one every even level up to 10, making for a grand total of 8 possible memorization slots if you’ve maxed out your Memorization skill.
  • You are no longer allowed to reverse engineer commodities/components.
  • The crafting window will stop auto-closing when you craft or reverse engineer an item.
  • You can see yourself when stealthed now.
  • You can cast stealth in the air.
  • Casting skills (using items) will take you out of stealth and cast the skill instead of warning you that you can’t do this while stealthed.
  • Changed key handling so that you can now toggle dialogs and chat windows more reliably if you have frame rate hiccups.
  • Many Player Skills had their ranges dramatically increased to make it much easier for players to select a target and successfully cast their skill.
  • Many Player Skills levels 25-80 had their cooldown (refire) rates dramatically reduced and their costs adjusted to be more in-line with new skill point distribution.
  • Adjusted friction values of snow tires to help alleviate reported spinout problems. Note that snow tires will still slide in snow/ice, just not as much as other tires.
  • Modified the TacArc angle on every player weapon. TacArc angles are now consistent based on number of targets, rarity, and weapon type.
  • Lowered the minimum skill level by 5 levels on many skills, to allow from some skill purchases every 5 levels instead of every 10 levels.
  • Increased windjammer unlock radius to 250 meters.
  • Upside: Removed old Hazard Kits from broken items vendor.
  • Upside: Removed Backrange option in housing kiosk.
  • The white text that appears near the bottom of the screen (such as when you get a new mission) now appears on top of most other windows, including the quickbar, notification buttons, and boss health bar.
  • Increased respawn rate for Thugz High Rollers.
  • You should no longer be able to drop an item on a hardpoints slot that you cannot equip but still have it customize to you because it is enhanced. 
  • Expanded the size of the Body Shop buttons which lets you see the tricks a bit easier.  Note that this causes only 5 tricks and 2 trims to be visible at a time so you’ll have to scroll them more.  Subject to change, of course.
  • Several more adjustments to make jumping animation smoother, less buggy.  Should be less of a problem with the “stutter jump” where you try to jump immediately after landing and get an awkward twitch as well as the jump where you just don’t animate.  Furthermore, you should get the landing animation when jumping on slopes now instead of another twitch.
  • Adjusted pricing on all power plants in game 1-80.
  • Adjusted driving physics on 167 player vehicles for better turning at speed, better torque, significantly more mass for larger vehicle types, and general drivability.
  • Archon Vela at Auryn’s Monument has experienced a miracle!  Items he has made in honor of the fallen Avenger have been infused with her spirit.  He is reportedly handing them out to those that the spirit of Auryn deems worthy.
  • Avengers have reported witnessing one of the Pikes who fell in the Fetid Bayou as having been consumed by a strange red fire.  The corpse of the Pike has since disappeared.
  • At great expense and with great effort, the Changed of the Proving Grounds have re-rooted many of their trees that were sinking into the many sinkholes in the area.
  • Shaman Diane Tara has journeyed to the Fetid Bayou to help her sister Erin run the family store.  She is in charge of procurement and stocking the store.
  • When skills refresh it should automatically check to see if it should re-display the rollover, thus it won’t close your skill rollovers anymore when a status icon auto-refreshes.
  • Status effects will no longer flash until they get below 1/4 of a skill’s total length (or 30 seconds still if that’s smaller).  Furthermore, status icons will not pulse at all if they have a total length of less than 30 seconds and were cast by the player.
  • Consume skill now destroys corpse even on failure.
  • Missions should now show the adjusted XP value instead of the base XP. (Adjusted is based on level difference between the player and the mission level).

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