AutoBoot Fixer v1.0 – auto boots EBOOT.PBP files on your PSP
If you’re one of those people who enjoy navigating through your PSP using one of the many alternative homebrew shell programs, then you might find this latest plugin from developer Red_Squirrel quite useful. Entitled “AutoBoot Fixer”, this homebrew plugin allows you to automatically run any EBOOT.PBP file from your handheld’s BOOT directory from the get go. Find out more in our full article.
Visit: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forum
Download: AutoBoot Fixer v1.0
If you’re having trouble trying to automatically run homebrew programs from your PlayStation Portable’s BOOT directory, then you might find this latest plugin from developer Red_Squirrel quite useful. Entitled “AutoBoot Fixer”, this homebrew plugin allows you to use the “Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP” function from the Recovery Menu without a hitch.
Once you enable this plugin from the Recovery Menu, any homebrew program found in the appropriate directory will automatically load upon booting your handheld. This is particularly useful if you want to boot up your PSP with your favorite shell program from the get go.
Like all plugins, just copy the PRX file into your ms0:/SEPLUGINS directory and add the following line to the VSH.txt file: “ms0:/SEPLUGINS/AutoBootFixer.prx”. Make sure to enable it from the Recovery Menu after making the proper modifications.
If you’re interested in discussing this neat homebrew plugin with the developer, you can drop a line at the QJ.NET PSP Development forum, accessible through the link below. For more details regarding AutoBoot Fixer v1.0, check out the documentation included in the file bundle.
Visit: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forum
Download: AutoBoot Fixer v1.0