Available on SERECT PS3’s!


Someone somewhere is getting an earful over this, and its doubtless that Sony’s already dispatched its stealthy smooth Ninja squad to dispose of the evidence and take care of the problem, but too late! A dude over at Kotaku managed to snag some pics of a PS3 display unit on which the word “SELECT” was erroneously spelled “SERECT”. better watch it dude, they’re comin for ya.

Click the thumbnails below for larger pics!

PS3 Controller - Image 1    PS3 Controller - Image 2    PS3 Controller - Image 3

PS. I hope we can all see the humor in this 😉

Via Kotaku


Someone somewhere is getting an earful over this, and its doubtless that Sony’s already dispatched its stealthy smooth Ninja squad to dispose of the evidence and take care of the problem, but too late! A dude over at Kotaku managed to snag some pics of a PS3 display unit on which the word “SELECT” was erroneously spelled “SERECT”. better watch it dude, they’re comin for ya.

Click the thumbnails below for larger pics!

PS3 Controller - Image 1    PS3 Controller - Image 2    PS3 Controller - Image 3

PS. I hope we can all see the humor in this 😉

Via Kotaku

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