Ball whackin’ in Virtua Tennis 3 Bulls-Eye mini-game screenshots
Don’t you just love the fresh smell of tennis court turf in the morning? You might not be able to smell it like we do, but whether it’s grass, clay, or concrete, these screenshots are looking a lot like “love,” if you get our drift. Now, if you’re talking about going for some precision practice for Sega‘s Virtua Tennis 3 (PS3, 360), you can’t get any more perfect with the Bulls-Eye mini-game.
The concept is simple enough to grasp: just make sure that when you whack your balls on to the other side of the court, they hit either two of the bulls-eye targets on the ground. Each ring has it’s own score that multiplies your hit: x1, x3, x5, and x10. The higher your score, the better, of course.
Still can’t smell the turf? Virtua Tennis 3 starts lobbing its way by Q2 2007. Catch the ball-whackin’ and click on the thumbs to enlarge them (the pics, not the ball-whackin’)!
Don’t you just love the fresh smell of tennis court turf in the morning? You might not be able to smell it like we do, but whether it’s grass, clay, or concrete, these screenshots are looking a lot like “love,” if you get our drift. Now, if you’re talking about going for some precision practice for Sega‘s Virtua Tennis 3 (PS3, 360), you can’t get any more perfect with the Bulls-Eye mini-game.
The concept is simple enough to grasp: just make sure that when you whack your balls on to the other side of the court, they hit either two of the bulls-eye targets on the ground. Each ring has it’s own score that multiplies your hit: x1, x3, x5, and x10. The higher your score, the better, of course.
Still can’t smell the turf? Virtua Tennis 3 starts lobbing its way by Q2 2007. Catch the ball-whackin’ and click on the thumbs to enlarge them (the pics, not the ball-whackin’)!