Barcode Scanner/Keypad Driver for Mobile Terminal
We’re always a sucker for innovative homebrew applications. Even if it involves executing such an obscurely uncommon task that only a few would only ever benefit from. But, we’re giving QJ support to this all the same. PSP development FTW! Hear, hear: Art (of X-Flash fame) has just developed his Barcode Scanner/Keypad Driver for Mobile Terminal for the PSP.
This app does just what its name implies. Art even boasts that “This is the most portable barcode scanner solution you’ll find.” The application was specifically made so that the data (meaning the barcode ID data) from your scanner would be sent to your PSP via the serial port.
Art suggests that you should make sure you use a resistor between the mobile terminal and your PSP. Compensate for voltage since the PSP’s input is 2.5 and your PDE input would be at least 5. Make sure you check the readme or, if you have specific questions, you can head on over to our forums.
Yes, we know some of you might not find a reason to use this. A personal suggestion for the bookworms though: you might want to use this app to sort your books and their ISBNs. I for one keep track of the books I own, and the obsessive compulsive part of me always wants to keep things orderly… Same thing applies: you can also use it to catalog your PSP games too! See those barcodes at the back of the UMD boxes? Scan away…
Download: Barcode Scanner/Keypad Driver for Mobile Terminal
Visit: PSP Development Forums
We’re always a sucker for innovative homebrew applications. Even if it involves executing such an obscurely uncommon task that only a few would only ever benefit from. But, we’re giving QJ support to this all the same. PSP development FTW! Hear, hear: Art (of X-Flash fame) has just developed his Barcode Scanner/Keypad Driver for Mobile Terminal for the PSP.
This app does just what its name implies. Art even boasts that “This is the most portable barcode scanner solution you’ll find.” The application was specifically made so that the data (meaning the barcode ID data) from your scanner would be sent to your PSP via the serial port.
Art suggests that you should make sure you use a resistor between the mobile terminal and your PSP. Compensate for voltage since the PSP’s input is 2.5 and your PDE input would be at least 5. Make sure you check the readme or, if you have specific questions, you can head on over to our forums.
Yes, we know some of you might not find a reason to use this. A personal suggestion for the bookworms though: you might want to use this app to sort your books and their ISBNs. I for one keep track of the books I own, and the obsessive compulsive part of me always wants to keep things orderly… Same thing applies: you can also use it to catalog your PSP games too! See those barcodes at the back of the UMD boxes? Scan away…
Download: Barcode Scanner/Keypad Driver for Mobile Terminal
Visit: PSP Development Forums