Batman: Arkham Asylum Collector’s Edition – pricey but comes with a Batarang and a download code

Batman: Arkham Asylum Collector's Edition - Image 1It’s no surprise for big releases to come with Collector’s Editions. With Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3, Xbox 360, PC), of course they’re gonna try to cash in with some Bat-goodies, and they’re charging a bit more for this one. Is it worth it? Check the full article and you decide.

It’s no surprise for big releases to come with Collector’s Editions. With Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3, Xbox 360, PC), of course they’re gonna try to cash in with some Bat-goodies, and they’re charging a bit more for this one. Is it worth it?

Batman: Arkham Asylum Collector's Edition - Image 1

Priced at US$ 100, the Batman: Arkham Asylum Collector’s Edition comes with:

  • a 14″ Batarang, with stand
  • a full, embossed leather dust jacketed Arkham doctorÂ’s journal
  • a two-sleeve Digipak containing the game disc and a behind-the-scenes DVD
  • a code for the exclusive downloadable challenge map “Crime Alley”
  • a full-color manual

Might be tempting to some, but the hundred-buck price tag is serious Bat-buzz kill. If the game’s what you want, no need to bother with this. That’s why they call it the Collector’s Edition, not the Must-Have-For-Everyone Edition.

More Bat-goodies:

Via Digital Battle

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