Battlefield 2: Modern Combat – New Screens
All GRAW-ed out yet? Sick of the flying ghost syndrome? Looking for another Battlefield upon which to wage virtual warfare? Then look no further because EA’s Battlefield 2: Modern Combat is on the prowl for a hot date, and if you’re lucky it could be you strapped into the pilot seat of an F-18 flying at 800mph over hostile territory. Oh, and just so you know that the old girl’s got some looks, here are a few pics to pique your interest in her.

All GRAW-ed out yet? Sick of the flying ghost syndrome? Looking for another Battlefield upon which to wage virtual warfare? Then look no further because EA’s Battlefield 2: Modern Combat is on the prowl for a hot date, and if you’re lucky it could be you strapped into the pilot seat of an F-18 flying at 800mph over hostile territory. Oh, and just so you know that the old girl’s got some looks, here are a few pics to pique your interest in her.