Bayonetta designer swishes and hisses at Itagaki: He’s an idiot, and I’m bald but not gay
This has got to be in the upper brackets of the “Weirdest Comebacks of All Time” list. Bayonetta (PS3 and Xbox 360) designer Hideki Kimeya pulled a WTH moment in an interview when he proclaimed that, “I am bald, but I am not gay.”
This has got to be in the upper brackets of the “Weirdest Comebacks of All Time” list. Bayonetta (PS3 and Xbox 360) designer Hideki Kimeya pulled a WTH moment in an interview when he proclaimed that, “I am bald, but I am not gay.”
I’m usually confident about my gaydar in general, but this correlation’s just got me lost. No real context has been pinned down as to why he would utter such a thing, but Internet sources also seem to point out that he is reviving his old feud with Tomonobu Itagaki (who happens to have long hair and loves chesty characters in his game… hmmm.. maybe, hence the reference to his baldness? Long hair:macho :: Bald:gay?).
Bald and proud! — And NOT gay.
Anyway, let’s reign in those runaway thoughts and focus back on this “feud”. Kimeya reportedly threw a barb at Itagaki in the same interview, saying “It’s a huge mistake to think like an idiot that big breasts on women seem erotic.” You have seen Dead or Alive, at least, right? Even in screenshots?
Itagaki has previously unleashed some of his claws at Kimeya, saying, “My daughter tried playing Okami, and she got sick of it pretty quickly – and I got pretty sick of it, too… So I heard Kamiya said something about the action genre not moving forward in eight years. Can you tell me more about that?… Was he asleep for eight years?”
Tee-hee. Admit it, it’s mindless fun.
[Also via Kotaku]
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