Bear necessities: online tanking gear guide for Bears (and Cats, too)
Okay, this might help soothe the sting of the bear-nerfing. Over at that mega-realm known as teh intarwebs is this highly thorough mega-guide for Bear-form tanking gear. And by thorough we mean THOROUGH. We’re talking about a massive mall-of-(insert country name here) full of weapons and armor, levels, stats, where they can be found – it’s a friggin’ database for bears on the warpath.
And Bears aren’t the only one rolling in joy with this database. Cat-form druids, too, get their own database for sustained and max-burst DPS stats. Whoever created this list (we’ve tried looking for your name all over your database site, but it’s not there), bears and cats everywhere howl the night awake in gratitude. Information, after all, is power, readily available one Read link away.
No, that bear tank-top is not one of the suggested equipment for Bear tanking.
Okay, this might help soothe the sting of the bear-nerfing. Over at that mega-realm known as teh intarwebs is this highly thorough mega-guide for Bear-form tanking gear. And by thorough we mean THOROUGH. We’re talking about a massive mall-of-(insert country name here) full of weapons and armor, levels, stats, where they can be found – it’s a friggin’ database for bears on the warpath.
And Bears aren’t the only one rolling in joy with this database. Cat-form druids, too, get their own database for sustained and max-burst DPS stats. Whoever created this list (we’ve tried looking for your name all over your database site, but it’s not there), bears and cats everywhere howl the night awake in gratitude. Information, after all, is power, readily available one Read link away.
No, that bear tank-top is not one of the suggested equipment for Bear tanking.