Because fish tanks rock: another Tank War demo video
A new video’s been made available demonstrating the capabilities of Sony‘s upcoming PlayStation Eye-based game, Tank War. This clip will continue on from the fish tank that was drawn previously, and should give us more glimpses of the level of detailing the game will offer. The demo video is available in the full article.
Ready for another round of tank-blasting, doodling action? We’ve managed to pick up another video of Sony‘s upcoming Tank War game, which will be using the PlayStation Eye accessory to bring whatever you draw on paper to life (onscreen, at least).
This segment will be a continuation on the fish tank you probably spotted in the previous clip, save that it’s now been upgraded with a proper pair of treads. Those with keener eyes may notice that even the doodled treads get their own animation sequence; It’s subtle, but it speaks volumes about the level of detail that’s possible with the software. Happy viewing!