Beetle King Crawls on Nintendo DS this May
Video games and entomology (the study of creepy, crawly, six-legged critters) donÂ’t usually mix. But this May, Nintedo DS will change all that with Beetle King. The game is all about the thrilling quest of collecting insects. Using the stylus to explore natural environment you can find the insects hidden in the grass and branches. We know that doesnÂ’t sound terribly exciting to people who don’t work in museum basements, but in this game, you can mix them up and create new species! Now that should appeal to the Dr. Moreau in all of us. You can also swap your rare insects finds with friends over the wireless network without fear of creating some kind of critter outbreak like in that movie Arachnophobia. Ugh! Still makes us shiver.
Video games and entomology (the study of creepy, crawly, six-legged critters) donÂ’t usually mix. But this May, Nintedo DS will change all that with Beetle King. The game is all about the thrilling quest of collecting insects. Using the stylus to explore natural environment you can find the insects hidden in the grass and branches. We know that doesnÂ’t sound terribly exciting to people who don’t work in museum basements, but in this game, you can mix them up and create new species! Now that should appeal to the Dr. Moreau in all of us. You can also swap your rare insects finds with friends over the wireless network without fear of creating some kind of critter outbreak like in that movie Arachnophobia. Ugh! Still makes us shiver.