Best New IP

thumb - Image 1Every classic was once a new IP, they’re the life blood of the industry, and yet they’re extremely risky propositions for developers and publishers.

We vote on the year’s best.

Gino D:

Best New IP: LittleBigPlanet

Runner’s Up: Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Patapon

Comments: Of all the new IPs seen this year, you can’t compete with LBP. It’s been nothing but a phenomenon of late, with Sackboys invading the other forms of media and culture like crazy. As for Layton, it’s an old IP in Japan, but for the west, it’s getting cult status quicker than you can say “Studio Ghibli movie please”.

Isaac C:

Best New IP: LittleBigPlanet

Runner’s Up: Left 4 Dead, Mirror’s Edge

Comments: LittleBigPlanet wins hands down because my Sackboy will cry otherwise. I didn’t particularly find Mirror’s Edge engaging, but it deserves a vote.

Mabie A:

Best New IP: Mirror’s Edge

Comments: Mirror’s Edge also is winner, although I would have preferred for it to have an optional third person view instead of just the standard first person view. I mean, yeah, it’s cool to see how it’s like to leap off building rooftops and scale fire exits. but to just have that view all the time, it kinda takes away from the gameplay experience, cos I can’t appreciate the stunts she’s doing.

Glenn M:

Best New IP: Mirror’s Edge

Comments: The runner isn’t a runner-up.. the concept may not be unique, but it certainly carries the concept and owns it.. the first person pov simulates the feeling of actually doing all that jumping so well that I actually imagine myself jumping across office buildings through outdoor smoking areas..

Chris C:

Best New IP: Dead Space

Runner’s Up: LittleBigPlanet, Mirror’s Edge.

Comments: High production values, slick presentation and a gripping story mean I can’t wait for the inevitable follow up to Dead Space.

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