Best PSN Game of the Year

thumb - Image 1My, my PSN, look how you’ve grown all big and strong over the past two years! Our editors foist upon you their personal opinions on the year’s best PSN games, and invite you to do the same.

Gino D:

Best PSN Game: Echochrome

Runner Up: Bionic Commando Rearmed

Comments: Echochrome would have won the “most insanely annoying and still too-hard-to-put-down game” award for me, but hey, Best PSN game it still is!

Isaac C:

Best PSN Game: Echochrome

Runner’s Up: PixelJunk Monsters, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Comments: Echochrome. Because I like getting vertigo?

Mabie A:

Best PSN Game: Pixeljunk Eden

Runner’s Up: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Echochrome

Comments: The first thing that caught my eye with Pixeljunk Eden was the graphics. If you know and love kustaa saksi like i do, this will certainly catch your eye as well, you just can’t deny how much they scream “separated at birth”. Anyway, Street Fighter 2 Turbo takes runner up, the bugs were a turn off although, they were admittedly funny. Still, it makes for some good ol’ fun down the old block, so it’s not that bad. As for Echochrome. honestly, I hate it, it’s so farkin’ hard! And to think I love abstract reasoning. But although I hate it so bad for making me feel utterly stupid halfway through a level, this is a really kickass game. I like games that make you think. Although this one did kinda go overboard, resulting in a nosebleed just figuring out what dimension you’re in now.

Karl B:

Best PSN Game: The Last Guy

Runner’s Up: Siren: Blood Curse, Echochrome
Comments: The Last Guy proves that sometimes, simple is best. The graphics (apart from the satellite imaging, that is) may look like something from two decades ago, but the gameplay and entertainment value is loads better than your average “next-gen” game.

Siren: Blood Curse – Siren: Blood Curse has what other survival horror games fail to create: a truly intense atmosphere.

Echochrome – For sheer “why didn’t I think of that” factor, this game takes the cake.

Glenn M:

Best PSN Game: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Comments: Even with the potentially deal-breaking glitch found in the game, the HD remix of a great classic scores big points in my book for two simple reasons that Capcom delivered on big time: they successfully put a great classic in HD, and they improved gameplay while keeping true to the feel of the game..

Chris C:

Best PSN Game: Crash Commando

Runner’s Up: Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One (whew), PixelJunk Monsters.

Comments: It’s fast, frantic and pure fun. You’ll sink hours into this little gem and wonder where the time went. One question, when’s the DLC coming?

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