Best Xbox Live Arcade Game of the Year
Live Arcade continues to go from strength to strength. In the face of increasing competition this year from the upstart PSN, Live Arcade went beyond its umm… arcade roots to give gamers some truly new and unique experiences.
Gino D:
Best XBLA Game: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Runner’s Up: Portal: Still Alive, Braid
Comments: Actually, SSF2 not only competes as the best XBLA game this year, but to some degree, it can also stand its ground among other console games for “best fighting game” too!
Isaac C:
Best XBLA Game: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2
Runner’s Up: N+, Mega Man 9
Comments: Trying to eliminate the universe of armed and hostile polygons always gives a good natural high. Very healthy.
Mabie A:
Best XBLA Game: Portal: still alive
Runner’s Up: Duke Nukem 3D
Comments: The Portal XBL port takes the top prize for me on account of it being such a worthwhile swag bag. It’s got the original game, new challenges and achievements — a very good and practical alternative to playing through the entire Orange Box.
Chris C:
Best XBLA Game: Braid
Runner’s Up: Castle Crashers, Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode Two
Comments: Braid is a game that wears its heart on its sleeve, Jonathan Blow put everything into making this game and it shows, it’s fun, innovative, and introspective, few games forge the intimate and personal bond with the gamer that Braid does.