Bizarre Creations next racing game to topple titles like Call of Duty 5
The developers from Bizarre Creations (Project Gotham Racing) have an ambitious plan in mind: a racing game which can topple the likes of titles such as Call of Duty 5. Considering the niche market racing games have nowadays, this seems like an impossible task to do. However, lead designer Gareth Wilson explains how they plan on tackling this enormous task in their next racing title. More on this after the jump!
The developers from Bizarre Creations (of Project Gotham Racing fame) have an ambitious plan in mind: to make a racing game which can topple the likes of big software titles such as Call of Duty 5. Sounds impossible? Lead designer Gareth Wilson talks about their plans on how they plan to make this dream come true.
He admitted the enormity of the task Bizarre Creations had in mind. Considering the extremely niche market racing games appeal to, they looked to more practical sources of inspiration to make their next racing title.
Gavin Raeburn, executive producer at Codemasters, explains that the general idea was to capture the mainstream market by enhancing the appealing aspects taken from today’s best selling titles and adding their own unique racing spin to it. This may be similar to their previous title, The Club, which focused on gameplay rather than an engaging story.
He explained it further by saying: “You’ve got to sell stuff that people want to buy into. Damage, crashing, maiming – that’s what people like. It’s hard to sell ‘being a racing driver'”.
The next title to be developed by Bizarre Creations will bear the Activision brand name, although there’s been no word when exactly this will be released. However, hints were dropped about what features will be included (a force feedback AI system for one thing). In any case, we’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for more updates on Bizarre Creations’ ambitious new project.