Blizz with WoW spam-prevention notes; players still not quite happy
Back in January, we reported that certain World of Warcraft players are exploiting a gold farming bug related to Jaina Proudmoore. We’re not certain f the bug has been fixed already but what we know is that spamming inside the MMO video game is still very active and is currently causing problems.
Here’s the thing: Drysc recently posted updated PTR notes that had new spam-prevention features. Message throttling will be activated making it impossible for WoW players to send large amounts of text at one time. Aside from this, the reporting abilities were also updated:
- Players will now be able to report chat and mail spam with the click of a button. A “Report Spam” option will now be available by right-clicking on a playerÂ’s name in a chat channel, whisper, or mail. Using this option will quickly and easily report the player to our in-game support department for review.
- When you report a player, he or she will automatically be added to your ignore list for your current session. You won’t see any chat or mail from that player until you log out and back in.
- These tools function on a per-account basis, meaning that reporting one character on an account will ignore all chat text and mail from that entire account until you log off.
- You will not be able to report players on your friends list or in your guild.
But the thing is, these abilities require players first to receive spam from an account before they can ignore it. Some players argue that if Blizzard does intend to put an end to this, what it should have done is turn off whisper level ranges. Forum administrator Nethaera argues that these are not the entirety of what Blizzard has planned.
The above mentioned features, as well as other changes, with the upcoming Black Temple patch.
Via WoW Forums
Back in January, we reported that certain World of Warcraft players are exploiting a gold farming bug related to Jaina Proudmoore. We’re not certain f the bug has been fixed already but what we know is that spamming inside the MMO video game is still very active and is currently causing problems.
Here’s the thing: Drysc recently posted updated PTR notes that had new spam-prevention features. Message throttling will be activated making it impossible for WoW players to send large amounts of text at one time. Aside from this, the reporting abilities were also updated:
- Players will now be able to report chat and mail spam with the click of a button. A “Report Spam” option will now be available by right-clicking on a playerÂ’s name in a chat channel, whisper, or mail. Using this option will quickly and easily report the player to our in-game support department for review.
- When you report a player, he or she will automatically be added to your ignore list for your current session. You won’t see any chat or mail from that player until you log out and back in.
- These tools function on a per-account basis, meaning that reporting one character on an account will ignore all chat text and mail from that entire account until you log off.
- You will not be able to report players on your friends list or in your guild.
But the thing is, these abilities require players first to receive spam from an account before they can ignore it. Some players argue that if Blizzard does intend to put an end to this, what it should have done is turn off whisper level ranges. Forum administrator Nethaera argues that these are not the entirety of what Blizzard has planned.
The above mentioned features, as well as other changes, with the upcoming Black Temple patch.
Via WoW Forums