Blizzard announces Zangarmarsh PvP Rewards
Well it’s not really new, but this time it is official. With a complete list of blues that you can grab by helping your own faction hold the grounds of contested Zangarmarsh, Blizzard now adds the World of Warcraft Europe PvP rewards list to their official collection of rewards, along with those tangible gear from the highly competitive PvP Arena section.
So if you’re a late or casual gamer who’s just hit level 60, you can try a hand at patriotism by heading on over to the swamp-infested fungi forest of Zangarmarsh and visit your respective stronghold. Native Draenei and Night Elves will feel at home in the Alliance Honor Hold, while Thrallmar is the perfect refuge for native Tauren and Trolls.
But don’t you all go over there at once. You wouldn’t want to cause severe lag or seriously deprave serious grinders of their mobs by killing them off for no reason. So click the “Read” link provided below to check out the Rare items you could get. And remember, it’s not the color that counts…
Well it’s not really new, but this time it is official. With a complete list of blues that you can grab by helping your own faction hold the grounds of contested Zangarmarsh, Blizzard now adds the World of Warcraft Europe PvP rewards list to their official collection of rewards, along with those tangible gear from the highly competitive PvP Arena section.
So if you’re a late or casual gamer who’s just hit level 60, you can try a hand at patriotism by heading on over to the swamp-infested fungi forest of Zangarmarsh and visit your respective stronghold. Native Draenei and Night Elves will feel at home in the Alliance Honor Hold, while Thrallmar is the perfect refuge for native Tauren and Trolls.
But don’t you all go over there at once. You wouldn’t want to cause severe lag or seriously deprave serious grinders of their mobs by killing them off for no reason. So click the “Read” link provided below to check out the Rare items you could get. And remember, it’s not the color that counts…