Bookie lays down odds for best-selling game

Admit it, you have the feeling that business analysts make their numbers up. But nobody doubts an Irish bookie, so we’ll look at Paddy Power‘s numbers instead. Yup, bookmaker Paddy Power ( has predictions for which games will sell well this Christmas:

the odds are in: which granny will make it?

It’s another NFS year. Need for Speed: Carbon is the favourite with odds of 8/13. NFS: Most Wanted took the number one spot last year, while NFS: Underground 2 was the favorite the year before that. Then again, cross-platform games would tend to sell more titles than the single-platform games. (Does that explain why Eragon is up there – we don’t know; only a few of us bought the book, and quite a number of us did not buy the game.)

Twilight Princess is up there duking it out with the Xbox 360’s Gears of War. Oh. That’s a tough one to call right now. If you’re a gambling man, you might wanna make a bet, but we won’t just yet.

Admit it, you have the feeling that business analysts make their numbers up. But nobody doubts an Irish bookie, so we’ll look at Paddy Power‘s numbers instead. Yup, bookmaker Paddy Power ( has predictions for which games will sell well this Christmas:

the odds are in: which granny will make it?

It’s another NFS year. Need for Speed: Carbon is the favourite with odds of 8/13. NFS: Most Wanted took the number one spot last year, while NFS: Underground 2 was the favorite the year before that. Then again, cross-platform games would tend to sell more titles than the single-platform games. (Does that explain why Eragon is up there – we don’t know; only a few of us bought the book, and quite a number of us did not buy the game.)

Twilight Princess is up there duking it out with the Xbox 360’s Gears of War. Oh. That’s a tough one to call right now. If you’re a gambling man, you might wanna make a bet, but we won’t just yet.

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