Braben: Sony has a messaging challenge with Move
Sony is putting a lot of resources behind Move’s marketing. Frontier Developments founder and chairman, David Braben, thinks however that Sony is failing to properly communicate which games need the motion controller and which games don’t.
Sony is putting a lot of resources behind Move’s marketing. Frontier Developments founder and chairman, David Braben, thinks however that Sony is failing to properly communicate which games need the motion controller and which games don’t.
“I think there are some things that I haven’t quite understood with Move,” Braben told Edge. “I think it really just needs better communication in terms of the fact that there are three different elements to it and it’s not clear which games are going to need which of the primary controller, navigation controller and the camera, and I suspect some games will need some or all of the above.
“So I think there’s a messaging challenge, especially as some of the PR material shows a single player using two primary controllers.”
Despite this perceived lack of better communication, Braben welcomed both Move and Microsoft’s on Kinect controller. His studio will be looking at possible support for the new motion controllers as he believes that they open up new opportunities.
Via [Edge]