Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway hits gold; release date and video

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway - Image 1Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC) is now gold. And we have the pricing detail, release date, and the “Brutality of War” video that’s most certainly not for the faint-hearted. See the action after the jump.

Ubisoft and Gearbox Software has just announced earlier today that the squad-based WWII shooter, Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC) has finally reached gold status. Not only have they revealed the release date and pricing detail, they’ve also sent out a “Brutality of War” gameplay video.

But before you enjoy the bloody trailer, here’s what you have to know about the release first. It’s gonna come out on September 23, and it’ll cost you US$ 59.99. Now as for the video, it’s really graphic, and those with a weak stomach will have to be warned that: there are exploding heads and extreme leg-loss in this clip. No wonder it was given an 18 rating by PEGI.

For those who have a stronger threshold for the meaty and gory, check out the vid below.

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Buy: [Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway (Xbox 360)]

Via Videogaming247

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