Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC) gets game patch 1.2
Infinity Ward has announced that they have released Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare‘s game patch 1.2. This latest update is expected to fix an issue that’s been reported by the players. The patch can be accessed through the Infinity Ward forums, while details are available in the full article.
Steam’s not the only one that’s updating your enjoyment of Call of Duty 4 (PC, PS3, DS, Xbox 360), it seems. Infinity Ward has just announced the release of their FPS’ v1.2 patch. This latest game update is designed to resolve a Lean view offset issue in-game that’s apparently been reported by the players. Quoting the initial announcement by fourzerotwo at the official Infinity Ward forums:
This patch optimizes the Lean view offset issue, addressing the glitch reported by several community members and documented and sent in directly by community member GaretJax which is commonly referred to as the Left / Vertical Lean Glitch, in addition to preparing files for compatibility with the future release of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Mod Tools. This patch will update all previous versions of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare to v1.2
The patch is available via the source link, and will require 13.80 MB of space. Running it shouldn’t take too long, so you can get right back into the fray after this quick fix.
Via Infinity Ward