Call of Duty 4 (Xbox 360): Patch update and playlist changes
Wondering how goes the progress on Call of Duty 4‘s latest patch update for its Xbox 360 port? fourzerotwo of the Infinity Ward forums updated fans with information regarding this matter along with some news about the game’s next playlist change. Details are in the full article.
Here’s an early heads-up for those waiting for updates related to the Xbox 360 port of Infinity Ward‘s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
Community manager fourzerotwo of the dev studio’s forums is letting the players know that they’ve been keeping tabs on your feedback, specifically regarding the concern that the Free-For-All score limit is too low.
The devs will now be increasing the limit from 100 to 125. Aside from the playlist change, fourzerotwo also released some details about CoD4‘s next patch. As he stated:
We ran into some bugs with the host migration and therefore required some tweaks and additional testing on said tweaks so the patch is still being worked on. We’re working on getting it out as fast as possible, and I’ll let you know when we can expect it.
That’s all the details we’ve got for the moment. Stick around in case more details are mentioned regarding the game’s next patch update.