HOW TO – Nintendo Wifi Over Dial-up
Pokemonfan18 has an article on use the DS over a dial up connection. This tutorial is to help you get connected to Nintendo Wifi with...
How to Paint your Nintendo DS
inajamaica.has posted a nice image tutorial on how to paint your Nintendo DS. This process should be of easy to moderate difficulty depending on your...
Mario Kart DS – Wi-Fi FAQ
source: nintendo-europe When Mario Kart DS launches on November 25, it will be a landmark moment in the history of the hit series, as it’s...
Personalize Your Google Homepage With QJ.Net XML Feeds!
Customizing your Google home page is quick, easy, and gives you all the info you want right on your Google page. Here is a tutorial...
Nintendo DS – HomeBrew USB Power Cable
Source: darkain !!! WARNING!!! Attempt the following AT YOUR OWN RISK! If you don’t have a strong understand on electronics and wiring, I strongly advise...
Great FAQ/Guide to WiFi for Nintendo DS
I found this over at gamespot and posted it on our forums. If you’ve never read it before, or are new to the DS WiFi...