Metal Gear Solid 4 – Mr. Kojima Interview
Here is a magazine scan of an interview with Mr. Kojima. We can extract the following information from the interview: – Seeing from the first...
Valve Founder Disses PS3 & Xbox 360
Source:GameGeekNews Ever wonder what would happen if Michael Moore & Jabba The Hut had sex? Apparently, they’d make Gabe Newell, the founder & director of...
Smackdown next-gen plans revealed
Source:Gamesradar The mastermind behind the WWE Smackdown series has revealed that the enhancement of artificial intelligence and physics will be the key areas in which...
Ninja hurtles towards global glory
Source: businessweeklyA Cambridge-based computer games designer is undergoing huge growth as it goes all out to launch a blockbuster into the multi-billion pound Playstation 3...
1up Interviews Khaz Hirai, SCE COO
1up has released a lengthy interview done with Kaz Hirai, SCE’s Chief Operating Officer. He covers E3, plans for PS3 online, overhyping, the controller, hard...